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Your part-time vocational training

Start your career as an educator

With our part-time vocational training, we combine comprehensive classroom instruction with practical education, providing our vocational school students with a constructive learning environment.

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Application deadline: Annually until April 30th

Please select the applicable option.

Application Requirements

  • Resume
  • Diploma or degree certificate
  • Proof of relevant qualifications

Send us your application documents easily as a PDF file via email:

  • Tuition Fee: €120 per month
  • One-Time Enrollment Fee: €50
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Jobs: Our foundation offers employment opportunities

We offer positions in the fields of residential care, daycare, after-school care, and inclusive youth work

Professional Training

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The part-time vocational training curriculum includes both cross-disciplinary and discipline-specific learning areas.

It comprises a total of 2,400 hours of training. During the training, students accumulate 1,200 hours of practical experience, with 800 hours completed in the first professional field.

This professional field may vary depending on the training and could be in the field of early education, after-school care, child and youth welfare services (e.g., residential group), or inclusive youth work (e.g., youth club).

In the 2nd or 3rd year of training, there is a mandatory internship in a second professional field, which covers an additional 400 hours.

  • Start of training: Annually from August 1st
  • Duration of training: 4-year part-time vocational training

With the submission of the training contract, each student receives a schedule for the entire training.

The training is completed through state examinations:

  • 3 written exams, and possibly oral exams
  • 1 practical exam in which a complex task with children or adolescents in the practice facility needs to be solved

Passing both the theoretical and practical examinations entitles you to use the following professional designations and titles:

  • The professional designation „State-recognized Educator“
  • The title ‚Bachelor Professional Social Services“

During the training, the following additional qualifications can be obtained:

  • Dual studies in Social Work (requires additional hours)
  • Technical college entrance qualification (requires additional hours)

After successful completion, one can pursue higher education at a university.

We are happy to provide you with advice regarding the training and your application.

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Susanne Hecht


Susanne Hecht studied Rehabilitation Pedagogy at the University of Dortmund and Motology at the University of Marburg. She has furthered her qualifications through professional development courses in vocational pedagogy and personal development counseling. Since 2013, she has been involved in the training of educators. Her goal is to provide her students with diverse learning paths to acquire holistic competencies and empower them to confront and solve future challenges.

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Josefine Eichel


Josefine Eichel completed her Master’s degree in Nutritional Science at Anhalt University in Bernburg. In 2015, she began her career as an instructor, focusing on areas such as health, physical education, mathematics, and ecology. In addition to her professional work, she pursued certification as a yoga instructor and personal development consultant. Her passion is to inspire future educators, particularly in subjects like mindfulness, sustainability, and a healthy lifestyle. Outside of work, you’ll mostly find her engaged in snowboarding, kitesurfing, and stand-up paddleboarding.

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Dr. Mustafa Coskun


Dr. Mustafa Coskun studied American Studies in Istanbul and Ethnology at Indiana University in the USA, and received his doctorate from the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. He has furthered his qualifications through professional certificates in TESOL and international education consultancy. He taught and conducted research in the fields of linguistics and cultural studies at universities in Turkey, Central Asia, the USA, and Germany. Since 2022, he teaches English and social sciences at our school, where he values the transformative potential of training future educators. He enjoys engaging in critical discussions in the fields of intercultural communication and international education and structures his classes as interactive and interdisciplinary learning experiences.

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Dr. Birgit Sielmon


Birgit Sielmon completed her studies in plant production at the University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia. After a successful doctoral dissertation, she was awarded the academic degree ‚Doctor agriculturarum‘ by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the former East Germany. Following her certification as an IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) certified industrial clerk with teaching qualifications, she worked for several educational institutions in vocational training and youth career orientation projects after the reunification of Germany. Since the establishment of our school in 2015, she has been serving as the school coordinator, primarily responsible for the organization of operational processes. As a central point of contact in communication with all stakeholders, especially teachers and vocational students, she is deeply committed to creating an optimal learning and teaching environment.

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Uta Aehlig


Uta Aehlig studied Education at the Pedagogical University of Dresden and Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam. She holds a teaching diploma and is a state-recognized social pedagogue. Since 2016, she has been teaching at our school, specializing in music education, including guitar, among other subjects. She places great importance on a trusting collaboration with organizations in child and youth welfare, as they are vital partners in the education of future educators. For her, the successful transmission and shared experience of elementary music pedagogy occur when the vocational students themselves find joy and pleasure in it. Her motto: ‚If you want to ignite a fire, you must be the flame yourself!‘ (Augustine of Hippo)

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Eugen Manser


Eugen Manser studied theology at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and served as a pastor in Bretleben, Kindelbrück, and Halle. In his later years of his career, he worked as a religious studies teacher in various schools in Halle. In his teaching, he aims to familiarize students with the stories and traditions of the Christian religion as a guide for their own life, addressing topics like birth and death, joy and sorrow, celebration, and mourning. He is dedicated to enabling future educators to be articulate, even in situations where words might typically fail. He is particularly passionate about reviving the art of storytelling.

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Bettina Forisch


Bettina Forisch completed her teaching degree at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, majoring in German and Music. Subsequently, she obtained her certification for secondary school teaching after studying Ethics at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Since 2015, she has been part-time teaching classes at our school in the field of music education. More specifically, she teaches guitar and keyboard, and is actively involved in facilitation of hands-on music instruction. Her primary objective is to cultivate practical musical skills for aspiring educators, skills which can be applied in their future roles.

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Location & Contact

Stiftungsfachschule location Adresse:
Dr.-John-Rittmeister-Str. 6
06406 Bernburg

Stiftungsfachschule Gruppe 111 Telefon:
03471 3740547

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Erhieher Ausbildung Schule

About the organisation

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St. Johannis GmbH is an accredited independent provider of youth welfare and vocational education. It is a member of the Evangelical Youth Welfare Foundation network.

Our foundation’s areas of work encompass both outpatient and inpatient youth welfare, educational support, child day care, schools, vocational training and career guidance, youth social work, migration and intercultural activities, as well as foster care services.

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